Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Port Revision Operation - yesterday

Well, I am out and feeling much better.

Must get this clear! I am sore - no questioning that but my port area actually feels less painful today than it did pre revision operation so something was obviously wrong (I find out details in my follow up appointment on Friday).

Also, I noticed those forums are really getting me down - must limit my time in there - I posted in a few places that I haven't lost much weight compared to the bandits and the response was 'hope you are doing what you are supposed to theres the implication that I have failed in some way. Well, I know I haven't and that slow weight loss is the actual norm not fast weight loss - just so happens the forums attract people who are progressing (why else would you post?) the side affect is people like me feel a bit embarrassed to post because our success isn't so fast. I hope the posts I made make a difference to those in my position.

Anyway! The surgeon also put an extra 1.5 ml in and it's made a huge difference to my hunger levels - I feel fuller much quicker and am starting to not think about food 24/7 so great news there.

I had a very emotional day though - I was supposed to be first up but obviously two other patients needed to go before me so after getting my adrenaline to keep me going for the first bit of the morn to see me through the op (I was hyped!) and then after watching every patient being carted away except for me - come 11 am my adrenaline levels just crashed.. I started thinking about how I shouldn't be here in the first place and how the last nurse didn't even give a shit and the tears were creeping out of my eyes.. Then - in true 'you're just another patient' style, the orderlies came down to take the last patient (besides me) and the nurse said (trying to let me know she hadn't forgotten me) "this lovely young lady has been waiting ever so patiently to go in and hopefully we can give her some good news soon.." well the orderly turned around, looked at me, shrugged his shoulders and replied while looking at me ..." ppppft, she can wait.."

I cried.

They came to take me up a half hour later and I was sobbing - I have only sobbed 3 times in my life and that just got to me. The same orderly who said something insensitive was carting me to the preop room. Well, they all thought I was just worried and consoled me "it's nothing, it's easy he's done hundreds of ops on lapbands..." well I wanted to hear "we know you are frightened, we hear you when you cry that this is a journey for you and we know this is your body.. it's ok"

well - can't expect that can we. I don't think its anyone's fault - I do think we have a huge deficit in understanding where medical professionals are just too used to this being normal, safe and routine. They would find it very difficult to see this from my perspective - it's my body this is being done to, its the first time you are doing it to me, I'm anxious, its personal, and its MY body being CUT open. This IS the first time for me...

The nurse in the day ward I have to say was very very kind making sure I knew that I was on her mind... I thank her - Mount Hospital Day Ward.

Anyway! Ramble Ramble!

Hoping all goes well from here on!

Some notes on what to expect if any of you need to have a port revision ('cos I had no clue what to expect!)

  • It's a day surgery
  • one scar (through the main entry scar of your op where they put the band and port through)
  • full anaesthesia but the after effects are much less - you are fully awake in about 2 hours
  • home the same day
  • not as painful as the first operation
  • it's easy to forget not to lift (until you do ;) so - don't lift stuff! - who needs another port revision!)
  • no sleepies afterwards - you feel with it the day after
  • rest for the week though!
  • if you can - have someone stay with you by your bed until you are collected by the orderlies - I really could have used a friend!


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about the message boards - I personally think the slower the weight loss the better - you give your body and skin time to adjust :-)

I am glad to hear it all went well (even though it was emotional) :-)

Keep rolling with the punches