Sunday, June 21, 2009

Vitamins vitamins....

I had a really hard time with my vitamin this morning - had half then the other half which turned my belly before it even got down my throat - one large dry reach and it was out lol

So, this morning I went to the pharmacy (not my regular one) and in soluble vitamins they had berocca and a travel vitamin. The travel one didn'nt have B in it at all and berocca I heard has an ingredient that has seen it banned in some countries sooooooooooo.... the attendant suggested a tonic! I didn't know that we even used that word LOL But I bought it - its called Clements Tonic by Extralife and it's pretty good! I hate the taste of vitamins and this is no different but it has all the regulars in it plus ginko ginseng and selenium so it has a decent range PLUS it has the benefit of being in liquid form so it's easily absorbed by the body. I just added it to some OJ and it was fine....

just thought it may be a nice alternative for others who aren't into soluble tables and such :)