Monday, April 6, 2009

Day 4. Breakthroughs!

121.0 kg!

Today I was able to have a whole up and go! I am so happy! This morning I also blew my nose and dislodged the nasty clot that was blocking my breathing so thats a bonus despite how gross it sounds ;)

Last night my adorable partner bought me a choccy gelatino with the thinking that I should be on more nourishing liquids by now so that went down a treat - was low fat, decent protein and delish! though it is only a sometimes treat. I have been very very good on this so far and have stuck to the requirements by the word so I hope a low fat gelatino wasn't a really bad choice. I figured when I am having trouble getting down my first options pain free that would be an ok possibility. I am so scared of making a habit of bad food choices that I don't think the gelatino will become a staple at all ;)

My bruising on my arm and wrists from the many pokes with the needle during the operation are quite severe and are very painful - the slightest brush against anything including my dressing gown hurts. I know I have elusive veins but really- I wish they would take more care. It is day 5 now and I am surprised at the intensity of the bruises. I guess though I'm just feeling sore and I do appreciated my anaesthetist whom I felt did what he could with what I had... I have some shots just so if there is anyone else out there like me (with crappy veins) you can see what to expect. I do sound like I am whining but they really are sore and it hurts to even lean the right wrist in particular on my table.

I feel much better today and actually woke up identifying a feeling of hunger which was good in a way.

Now, here are the dilemmas I am facing... protein. I'm vegetarian, lactose intolerant (I know - I am going to pay for that up and go!) and protein on liquids is hard to come by. Most of my pre op protein was pretty easy to source in things like VTP (veggie textured protein) which is higher in protein than meat! and more easily absorbed (it always annoyed me when people said "my god! how do you get enough protein???!" - they were always shocked to hear me say "actually I guarantee I get more protein than you") So anyhoo, protein. Here's what I plan to do - I can handle for short bursts one up and go a day with minimal issues (sometimes a bit of bowel pain) so I will alternate one day on and off for the up an go. Some other options I have been thinking about....

* SOY SMOOTHIE soy milk with a bit of banana blended really well to a milky consistency (I LOVE banana.. unfortunately its not great in large doses)

* PROTEIN SUPPLEMENT thinking of picking up some of the protein powder you can add to your food and pop some in one of my soups

I will try to think of some other things that don't make me want to hurl like eggnogs do ewwwwww

So, feeling much more optimistic today - was very emotional yesterday but I am looking forward to a brighter future relationship with my food. I think moving to the next food step (protein) has given me a load of confidence.

I still feel like my guts are going to come out of my port wound when I lay down on my side LOL and the wounds still smart a bit but feel more internal now that anything which is also great news. I can walk without anything but mild discomfort and I can yawn again without chest pain! I'm hoping I can get down my soup today!

I was surprised to find out that the port is placed where the biggest incision is and the band went through what to me looks like the smallest incision! I have a piccy here of my day 5 belly which can show you where its all located. Of course everyone will be different and I suspect many people have dissimilar wounds.


Anonymous said...

You sound about the same as me today, I'm becoming more comfortable!
Poor you with those bruises.. ahhhh!!
Take care ok,
Check out my blog...

Unknown said...

Keep going - you are doing well. It is a great decision for your health - I have heard that it takes a few weeks to get over the surgery - the yahoo boards have been very informative for me.
I am yet to be banded, where did you have your surgery done?
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