Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Day 5. 121.6 kg :/ wrists worse

OK I had a big cry last night in bed. I got a letter from the pathologists saying I needed to have my bloods taken again so someone probably screwed up somewhere. My right wrist is KILLING me and I had to even take a pain killer for it. I consider myself to have a high pain threshold (I once walked around for a fair while with a broken toe thinking it was just a bit 'off') but this is just getting me down. When I got that letter, I had just gone to sit down and placed my weight on my right hand stretching my supposed artline site and I felt something tear - then I had with in minutes more darkness around that area. There is a white area around the injection points (all 9 of them) that is very very painful to touch. It has been extra sore ever since I used it and it even hurts to type. BUT I am determined to get this off my chest.

That letter made me furious. If any of these people saw my arms right now, a WHOLE 6 DAYS after the op - they would feel mighty guilty about sending me back to some incompetent person with a needle. I can not bare to have a needle near my arms right now and the thought is making me feel physically ill.

I thought a lot about it last night and I honestly think the second anaesthetist I was introduced to as "He is going to sit in" was training. I honestly believe he used me as a pin cushion. Fair enough, I have difficult veins and its the best way for these people to learn but I can not help but feel a couple of things here:

*ANYONE should be asked if its ok iof people train on them

*It may be routine surgery to them but to me? it's the first time I have experienced anything like this.

*There is a real person on the end of that needle and she actually feels quite real pain and discomfort.

This whole thing has left me feeling like I am a pay packet to the medical profession and that really - none of them actually care. I am so angry that I am going to call 3 people today - My surgeon to ask why he needs blood and to stick that request, the anaesthetist to ask if the sit in was in training, and the pathologist to ask why my bloods were re-requested.

I quite honestly have had enough of these people. I know my surgeon is kind, I watched him with the woman next to me - I know the anaesthetist was sweet and gentle but why the hell do my wrists look like I have been tortured still at day 6????
My dietician was very sympathetic and helpful but why did she never call me back when I told them I had stomach and bowel cramps from the optifast? None of these people care about me - really. I have stopped telling my partner about this stuff and I slept in the other room last night because I knew how upset I was. I think he thinks I am being over the top but wow, I really do feel like none of this from the medical profession has been about helping me. The only time people call me is if they are worried about payment.

Quite angry and upset today. These bruises aren't normal and I should have to pretend to everyone that its ok.