Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Day 5. Updates....

I called people - got answers.

I called the pathologist and they did screw up the test - they missed some blood work and wanted me to go back. I told them - thanks but I would call my Dr first.

I called the Dr's and at first (probably because I was quite distraught at that stage) they were a bit defensive and a little cold about it all. I explained the stress I was feeling and that my wrists were to sore to get more bloods and she agreed that I would be pushing it to get more blood right now. The secretary I think realised I was on the edge and a bit at the mercy of my body. With in minutes the nurse called me who was supposed to call me 2-3 days after op but didn't. (I don't feel animosity towards her because if someone gets missed off a list it is almost always me so I gather I just went under the radar). The nurse was great - apparently the excess bruising and the nose bleeds are due to a sensitivity to heparin (blood thinner). I still can clearly see they had a hard time with my veins so that didn't help. Next time around my anaesthetist will get the whole story - "I have a sensitivity to heparin, small veins, do a cut cut down if you cant tap a vein ppppaaaahLEEEEZ" Last time I was in surgery which was many moons ago, they couldn't tap a vein so they did a cut down in my ankle and the healing time ironically was much much faster.

Anyway, the nurse gave me great advice and it really calmed me down. I felt like a lot of what I was feeling was normal and the delays in healing only due to the heparin and the hernia and that it was very ok to be feeling under par. So.. hopefully tomorrow is better.

I then got a call from the dietician who was great - she told me amongst some great advice for nourishment and care, that the good news was that my cholesterol was great, no probs with blood sugar etc that I had very healthy blood work (so the pathology unit got some of the blood taking right). Everyone advised to forget the extra tests for now and worry about it when I have my first appointment with the surgeon.

For anyone out there reading this that has after care concerns, call people. I let it get to boiling point before I did because the medical industry makes you feel so silly for asking - but I am so glad I did. Demand that someone cares about you! and try to hear that little voice saying "you deserve to be cared for by these people"

It pays to get your surgeon BEFORE the surgery to tell you what after care exactly you can expect - what is their after-care protocols.

I wrote in my post in the Lap Band surgery forum, a list on what to ask about on top of your own list in terms of after care...

* To know pre op what after op contact I can expect
* To have phone numbers and an "Its OK to call us" statement from Dr's Dieticians and after care expert like a nurse or something
* Ideally I would have liked to have heard from my dietician after day 2 (on day 3) because thats when you are starting to experience the shock of liquids and problems of certain liquids. So ask if your dietician can call you 2-3 days post op to check on you.